All about my project!!

So at school we have to do a project called our 20 percent project and I am making care packages for the military!We recently had our project pitch and if you would like to learn more about my project go to my Visual AideĀ for more information about my project! I am going to get a group together and make blankets as well, so far I m hoping to get sign up sheets for this group out by November 31st, and I would like to get a group of 12 kids together because we will be making a lot of blankets.

So far it has been very stressful to keep up with the project, school, and extracurricular activities. I have felt stressed, agitated, mad overwhelmed, and even sad too! But my stepmom has been extremely helpful on keeping me on track and making sure I am aware of time. I hope my project is a huge help to those people out there fighting for our country. And families out there with relatives in the military, they will be taken care of. Thanks for reading about my project, bye!

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